That Time When | I had exams~

We regret to inform you, dear asic, that your exams are officially over and you are officially permitted to be on vacation until hell opens it's doors again. We hope you make the most of your time, stay productive, stay under control and limit your use of the computer.

Scam Of The Century | Fan-Fiction 2.0

In this post, I’ll be discussing reasons why I LIKE fan-fiction and why I DON’T. Fan-fiction is sometimes looked down upon by people- and the people who look down upon them can’t even form a proper sentence, let alone write a whole series in the first place.

Scam Of The Century | Fan-Fiction 1.0

Yea that’s it I guess, I’ve cleared my name, and so on next Saturday please expect a Fan-Fiction V/S post for Scam Of The Century! There’s more in that post- I have the basic outline of it done, and it’s a good post- jsjsj self-praise lolol

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